Sunday, July 28, 2013

How's Married Life Treatin' Ya?

After they returned from Jamaica, they noticed that many of their friends and family were asking them about married life. They realized it was kind of a difficult question, so they thought about it and realized that life was treating them pretty well and so was marriage.

She still hung out with the girls

and he still found time to relax with a beer and a cigar.

They realized that married people can still rock a wedding dance floor.

And, best of all, they became Auntie and Uncle!
Yup, married life was treatin' them just fine.

Let's keep the party going...

They weren't exactly sure what married people did, so they decided to do something they had always wanted to do- go to Jamaica!

As soon as they got there, they knew they had made a good decision...
They saw some great shows...

Did a little adventuring...
 Had a few drinks...

Hung out and relaxed a bit...

And before they knew it, it was time to head home.  
They were sad to leave the amazing island paradise but knew they had to head home to plan their next adventure! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So they started asking their friends if they wanted to help them go through with this plan to get married! Turns out, everyone thought it was a good idea!

They even got drunk in Scotland and convinced their friend to be their officiant despite his wife's (sober) opinion that maybe we should think about it a little more...
After the rallied the troops, they picked a date and the party was on! They had been to so many great parties over the years and were excited to throw one of their own. They headed up North and booked a resort and with the help of their families and friends, kicked off their old married people life with a hell of a party!


 They drank out of mason jars...
The bride and her best girls wore tennis shoes...
Her dad walked her down the aisle..
The officiant rocked it! Sometimes drunken decisions work out!
Everyone, especially the family, was excited to celebrate!
Their best friends were there and ready to party!
And all their crazy, wonderful friends and family made it to help them celebrate!

Even Summit made it...
They couldn't have asked for a better start!
So they got married.
Now what?
They had some drinks and thought about it...


Maybe Getting Married Isn't Such A Terrible Idea After All?

One morning in March, in Minnesota, she decided to run 3 miles and jump into a frozen lake.

Think about that for a second.

It was not warm.

That night he had to talk her into going out dinner. She never wanted to go outside again. But she was hungry. After dinner, he asked her to marry him and she ran away. Seriously.
But not too far. She quickly ran back and said yes!
It was officially party planning time!

They decided that if that had to be adults, they wanted to turn into grown-ups together!

Let the Weddings Begin...

Even though they had no plans to get married, they LOVED celebrating when their friends got married!
                                           They toasted the new couple...

                                                      They definitely danced...
They stayed until they shut the place down!
They even went to Mexico to celebrate with their friends!
They road a party bus through Iowa when her brother got married!
They were both really glad that the other one had such awesome friends-- it made all these parties, I mean weddings, that much more fun!  All of this fun got them thinking...

Never gonna grow up...

Well, it turns out they had to grow up in some ways.
For example, they got a dog!

Meet Summit!
And he bought a house! Which she quickly took over...
But they still agreed that marriage was not in the cards for them.

It All Started Way Back When...

About 9 years ago 2 people met and decided they kind of liked each other.
They kept spending time together and fell in love...

They had lots of good times together--


 And they agreed that they would never grow up and get married.